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Dzi Beads   NLP Persuasion, influence & seduction techniques and strategies
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Ancient Tibetan Dzi Beads

Perhaps the Ultimate Talismans of Power


Released Aug 11, 2011


Dzi Bead History

Dzi bead  is an agate  talisman of mysterious origin worn as part of a necklace and sometimes as a bracelet. Originating from Tibet, the bead is considered to provide positive spiritual benefit. These beads are generally prized as protective amulets and are sometimes ground up into a powder to be used in traditional Tibetan medicine. Beads subject to this process have small "dig marks" where a portion of the bead has been scraped or shaved away to be ground into the medicine.

Dzi talismans are crafted in agate (and sometimes wood or metal), and come with decorated symbols composed of circles, ovals, square, waves (zig zags), stripes, lines, diamonds, and other archetypal symbolic patterns. The most powerful types are those with "eyes" or spheres- the number of which designates the psi or physical benefit endowed within the dzi.

Ancient dzi beads of Tibet are truly precious and occur in limited supplies. Regardless of how many or how few eyes they bear, all Dzi beads boast the mystic power of sezing luck, rejecting off evil, stabilizing blood pressure, creating charisma and enhancing body strength. Owners of these beads are blessed with unexpected credit, luck and perfection. Dzi beads are unique collectibles.

Dzi beads almost always exist as  agates (semi precious stones) and range from 80 to 5000 years old. Mainstream collectors exhort that the older ones harbor greater energy from the passage of time. A small minority claim that the recent ones have greater power as the old ones may have been contaminated by the strife of the world.


In Asia's religious artifacts market, dZi beads are the subject of the most legends. These gained overnight popularity by end of the 90s after the famous the Nagoya crash where wealthy magnates  scrambled to buy  dZi beads, among which nine-eyed dZi beads are particularly valued as "guardians against evil of all stripes." A single one of these beads can now cost upwards of $1000. The costliest one ever sold was a 4000 year old bead which fetched over $1M.

Dzi Bead Benefits

One-eyed Dzi beads are asserted to promote brilliance and expansion in wisdom while a 13-eyed Dzi will encourages tranquility and serenity. A 21-eyed Dzi is whispered to help realize all your wishes and explode fame and recognition luck. The stone also endows you strength and courage to destroy all obstacles and problems. For the magnate, the three-eyed Dzi will also aid you well as it is said to help in calling down prosperity and wealth. A 15-eyed Dzi communicates the wearer with Heaven's Luck. Someone with lots of Heaven Luck will relish astounding synchronicities and unobstructed ride in whatever endeavors. Opportunities, windfall, and good business luck will flood very rapidly. The most coveted bead is  the nine-eyed one, as it is said to have the capability to bring about compassion, power and glory. Famed to be the most powerful and prized of all Dzi beads, a 9-eyed Dzi is believed to bring the most complete graces. It aids the wearer seize power and influence, fame and reputation. 9-eyed Dzi bead also brings windfall and speculative luck, attracts good fortune, promotes health luck, clears obstacles in your life journey and gives protection against misfortunes and negativities. A mellower form of the 9 eyed dzi is the 2-eyed Dzi is a love charm and a powerful enhancer to attract or enhance love and relationships. For singles, the 2 Eye Dzi bead will enhance your chances of finding love partners; for lovers, it will strengthen your relationships and bring you marriage opportunities; and for married couples, it will spark passion and bring the promise of a marriage replete with bliss.

World Prices of Dzi Beads

The prices of Dzi beads range from $200 to $1Million. The older ones tend to command higher prices because of anecdotal evidence testifying to its greater efficacy at bringing health, wealth and satisfaction.

Ebay prices often start at the thousand dollar mark. Websites dealing with centuries old beads, that are weathered, worn, yet still exquisitely beautiful charge in the tens of thousands of dollars

Our Dzi Bead Source:

Our Dzi beads are sourced directly from Tibet by a Collector of esoteric and occult tools. A master of several variants of magic, he amassed an enviable arsenal of energetically viable beads after ascertaining their energy signatures. Anyone using these beads may readily feel the onset of thirst or elevated alertness as energy levels begin rising. Egely wheel testing further confirm the positive impact these beads have on the body.

Condition of the Tibetan Dzi Beads

The limited quantity of dzi beads on hand are classified as antiques with ages over 40 and some topping at 200 or more. As such, expect weathering, cracks and flaws in the beautiful etching. Remember that age does not detract from the power of the dzi. Rather, it amplifies it.

This Item Provided by A Third Party.  Limited Stock!

According to one resource, the power of the Dzi Beads is identifiable by the number of "eyes" it has. To wit:

  • 11 eyed bead, blocks evil, eliminates stress, bolsters wisdom and protects the wearer.

  • 10 eyed bead, advances career and relationship .

  • 9 eyed bead, is the mystic bead and is the most popular of all Dzi'sl; sezies all forms of luck and graces; boosts financial status significantly; imbues authority, reputation and fame; acquires success in career, shields divine protection, advances good health, saturates wearer with windfall luck; destroys setbacks in life; perfect for ambitious career people and businessmen;  It is the most comprehensive bead.

  • 8 eyed bead a symbol of the world's 8 magical treasures; imbues the wearer with peace and blessings from the 8 Bodhisatvas; guards against harm and calamities; helps one  improves speculative luck; enhances wealth luck.

  • 7 eyed bead graces one with 7 kinds of life's aspirations: perfection, reputation, career, wealth, health, longevity and relationships.

  • 6 eyed bead relieves one from six types of obstacles in life: illness, accidents, loss of wealth, being robbed, being cheated and premature death; ideal for those embarking on new career/ business or climbing the corporate ladder..

  • 5 eyed bead, symbolizes the five Gods of Wealth; attracts prosperity and money luck; attracts good samaritans into your life; eases the gain for wealth and good fortune; bestows longevity as well.

  • 4 eyed bead,invokes blessings from the four Bodhisattvas; smoothens your path in life; promotes healthy life and longevity; increases merit; casts away bad luck; protects against legal complications..

  • 3 eyed bead, represents good fortune, longevity and happiness; helps one accumulate serious wealth as it symbolizes the Tibetan Wealth God; assists the body; mind and heart to synergise and work harmoniously; perfect for those who lacks good opportunities.

  • 2 eyed bead, is a Love Stone; promotes matrimonial harmony; attracts a romantic partner; strengthens love ties; breathes in new life into relationships; brings marriage opportunities; jazzes up stale relationships, ensures bliss and happiness in family.

  • 2 eyed Dzi:    increases intelligence and brilliance; promotes growth of wisdom; stimulates creativity and talents; promises luck in career advancement and success; clarifies thoughts; calms the mind; brings happiness and hope.



SAVE NOW: Others Sell At Greater than US$2000!


Note: Availability is extremely scarce and we cannot guarantee the number of "eyes" included in your dzi bead. Due to the age of these beads, please do not expect a "brand new item"


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